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Our third annual Sea Stars Brunch was a smashing success! And thanks to supporters like you, we raised almost $85,000 for critical Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary programs and projects. 150 guests have a great time celebrating our 2021 Sanctuary Sea Stars–extraordinary people and groups doing extraordinary things to protect our sanctuary, inform science, and inspire the public. The event began with mixing and mingling on the outdoor courtyard of the Monterey Plaza Hotel, enjoying live music, and sipping on special sanctuary beverages. Guests had their photos taken in front of the glorious Monterey Bay and sanctuary staff and volunteers were available to answer questions.
Inside, guests enjoyed a delicious brunch, award presentations, informative program, and lively auction. The program included a welcome address from emcee and Foundation Board Member Fred Keeley and Chapter Director Ginaia Kelly, followed by remarks from Julie Packard, and a slide show celebrating the Sea Stars, which was accompanied by original music incorporating sounds from singing whales and snapping shrimp. Then Foundation Board Members Ted Balestreri, Hilary Bryant, Dan Haifley, Martine Watkins, and Secretary Leon Panetta presented the awards to our esteemed honorees: Kim & Thom Akeman, Brandon Southall, Katie Sturtevant, Cdr. Allegretti & Lt. Solaris, and John & Vicki Pearse.
Thank you for your support! We hope to see you at the next year’s Sea Stars Gala when we will commemorate the 30th anniversary of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary! To mark this important occasion, we will be moving the event to a formal evening affair on September 17, 2022. Save the Date!
Sanctuary Sea Stars

Auction Packages

Host Committee
Secretary Leon Panetta
Hilary Bryant
Fred Keeley
Dan Haifley
Ted J. Balestreri
Nova Covington
Gordon E. Eubanks, Jr.
Sam Farr
Yvette Lopez-Brooks
Martine Watkins
Thank You to Our Sponsors