Our Work

We are the official nonprofit partner to Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, and its chief advocate. We engage the public through outreach and education programs; develop and strengthen partnerships to protect ecosystem health; and directly support programs and projects that center around science and conservation. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary has a diversity of marine life found nowhere else on the planet. Our goal is to inspire the public to protect Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and create the next generation of ocean stewards.

Wildlife Protection

  • Supporting whale rescue operations to free entangled whales from ropes and marine debris.
  • Preventing future entanglements by investing in innovative gear solutions and conducting extensive marine debris cleanups.
  • Reducing whale and other large marine animal ship strikes through the “Blue Whales, Blue Skies” program.
  • Researching and protecting kelp forests.

Education and Outreach

  • Funding environmental programs in K-6 schools, focused on underserved communities.
  • Offering college internships to foster the next generation of environmental leaders.
  • Enhancing public education by updating the Sanctuary Exploration Center exhibits.

Community Engagement

  • Organizing community-focused events like beach cleanups, Sea Stars recognition ceremonies, and film screenings.
  • Amplifying our impact through media stories, social media campaigns, films, blogs, and more.