Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation expands public outreach, whale rescue programs
On February 20, 2019, Santa Cruz Sentinel featured the work of the newly formed Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation.
“SANTA CRUZ – Two months after Ginaia Kelly was hired as the executive director of the new Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the partial shutdown of the federal government closed the sanctuary offices and furloughed all of her new co-workers.
“It was very challenging trying to get up to speed,” Kelly said. “I didn’t have access to the staff or the computers, I didn’t have anyone to ask questions. It felt like we were all stuck in neutral.”
Now with the sanctuary’s funding restored, Kelly can get to work.
The foundation is the first local chapter of the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, the latest in a Russian-nesting-doll-esque arrangement of nonprofits supporting the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s system of 13 aquatic sanctuaries.”
Read the full story here.